How to book multiple items under the same booking
It is possible to book multiple items from anywhere on the website under the same booking.
Example: Books bikes, paddleboards and bear spray under the same booking.
Step 1.Click on the book now button for a bike, choose the quantity and the dates. Click the blue [Continue] button.
Step 2.
Click on the green [+Add to Booking button]. You will be returned to the original booking widget with a " You have a booking in progress" notification.

Step 3.Browse to the section of the website that has the Bear Spray booking widget. You will still see the " You have a booking in progress" notification.
Step 4.Click on the green [X Available] button to add to your existing booking in progress.
Step 5.Return to Step 2. to add additional items, OR
Step 6.Fill out the remainder of the booking form and complete your order. You will receive a notification from the system as soon as the order is completed.